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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Things that make no sense

The things that you are about to read about may not seem related. But they are. Because none of them make any dang sense.

"Gateway sexual activity."
This is in quotes because it's not a real thing. I am super embarrassed to be a citizen of Tennessee right now... they are literally banning all things deemed to lead to sex from schools. This includes hand holding and hugging. They can't even TALK about it. Couple things. One: Sex happens, and pretending like it's not going to and taking away all these little outlets is just going to make kids go apeshit in college. It's just like parents that don't ever allow their kids to see them drinking responsibly or to have a taste of alcohol. They get to college and it's like, I WANT ALL OF THE ALCOHOL. Now imagine that with good. And, two: Because sex inevitably does happen, people need to be EDUCATED about it. Abstinence-only sex education has been proven over and over again to be unsuccessful. And it only leads to unsafe sex and unwanted behbehs. Telling kids, "Hey, sex is a thing that happens, and when you make the very big decision of participating, use condoms and birth control so you don't get your eggo preggo." THAT, Tennessee senate, will lower teen birth rates. We can't teach kids not to have sex, because they're always going to. And we can't depend on the parents to educate them because a lot of the time they are uneducated as well. Sex ed classes. We need them. Gateway sexual activity? .....just let people hold hands if they're dating. Seriously.

Korean horror movies.
Specifically, A Tale of Two Sisters. Me and le BFF reinstated "Summer of Horror," in which we watch as many horror movies as possible in one summer, last night and watched this movie. It was really good, but we just didn't get it. We had to google it after and read the plot synopsis. And then we were finally like, "OHHHH ok. I got it now. She has Dissociative Identity Disorder and actually there was no one but her in the house the whole time. Way to not make that clear at all."
This is why Asians are so smart. Because they watch movies like that and understand them. As BFF said, they probably call it halfway through, too.
Racist comment is racist...

Soooo creepy

People who hate their jobs.
There are only a few options for what is going on here. One: They are in a starting position and just waiting to move on up to the job of their dreams. But if you know you have to start at the bottom, don't complain about it, yo. Do what you have to do. Two: They are just in the wrong job. The one that really gets me is teachers. Some teachers are just so rude and mean and impatient. Dude, if you have enough education to be a teacher, it is completely possible to get another (probably higher-paying) job that does not involve you putting students through hell. Don't get a job where you have to spend all day with kids if you hate them...people always remember the good teachers. I still go visit my faves, because they made such a difference in my life. But I also remember the ones that made me completely hate a subject because they sucked so much as people. Just, get a job where you don't have to be around people. Telephone solicitor? Toilet manufacturer? Desert explorer? Truck driver? Paint mixer? Master of frozen packaging? Diamond miner in an isolated location? Director of a movie in which the actors are all stuffed bears? The options are endless here.

People who don't take care of themselves.
I know that's a pretty broad category, so I will break it into subcategories.

One: Those with lack of hygiene. I know, showering takes time out of the day. I don't want to do it either. But it makes you smell pretty and look better. And I know, your water bill could already be through the roof. Take a shorter shower. Or find a lake. One that's cleaner than Lake Loudon...

Two: Those who dress crappily. For goodness' sake, if you are overweight, do not wear tight clothing. I'm not judging you or whatever. There is always a reason for people being heavy. But just...wear things that fit. You can't fit into the same clothes that Lady Gaga can, so don't try. Also, it has never made sense to me why people constantly insist on wearing gym clothes in public. Athletic shorts cost a lot of money, yes, but that's because the super-durable fabric needs to last through numerous workouts, not your daily life. Take pride in yourself and dress nicely. I always say, it takes just as much time to put on jeans and ballet flats as it does to put on sweat pants and tennis shoes. Maybe less, because there is no tying of shoes involved. 

See? This doesn't fit. At all. Think, "looser." Think, "If I can see through my shirt and these shorts are squeezing my fat out, I should put on a different outfit." People of Walmart


  1. If you hug your boyfriend, you WILL get pregnant. AND DIE.

    1. Bahahahahahaha! That made me lol. When no one was around. But I still felt awkward.

  2. Maybe you should just stop judging people?

  3. mmm...don't think of this as judging anybody. Sounds more like an opinion to me. It's true too!
