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Sunday, April 28, 2013

I do stuff good


Sorry. Didn't mean to yell. I was just so excited.

I meeeeesed you!!

So, sorry that I'm just going to copy Jenna Marbles again, but listen, it's finals week and I've been busy doing this new youtube thing with boyfriend (This thingy) and formal was this past Friday and so was Matt's 21st birthday and I JUST HAD TO BUY HIM A CACTUS AND STUFF, OK??

So yes, I will copy Miss Marbles and discuss today things at which I am excellent.

EINS: Being empathetic. This can be a good thing or a bad thing. I would like to think that most people appreciate being truly understood, but it's rough for me sometimes. For example, one of my former friends was talking to me about how he missed his ex girlfriend one night and he started crying and then I started crying and he was like, "Why are you crying?" And I was like, *sniffle* "It's just so sad." Like, my heart just broke for him. With him? I don't know. But it was just sadness.

ZWEI: Facebook stalking. Do NOT underestimate my ability to find you on social media. And/or find out things about you on social media. And look at all of your pictures sometimes.

DREI: Finding the dark side of youtube. start out watching one of your subscriptions, which makes you think of something else, which makes you think of something else, and then there's something else on the sidebar, and then you're watching an interview with the human barbie.

VIER: Not studying. I will find any and all excuses to not study. Cleaning, eating, watching a very important TV show. Now, I make excellent grades, so it's not that big of a deal. When I do study, I study for like ten minutes, get bored, go on a massive Internet surf and get back to it an hour later and do another ten minutes. Wash, rinse, repeat.

FÜNF: Acquiring pimples on my chin area. It is amazing how fast those suckers pop up. And I have cream and shit for it too. And I use a face wash with salicylic acid. HOW CAN YOU GET PAST THAT??

SECHS: Attracting bugs. If I could have attracted boys back in high school like I've always attracted bugs, I would have probably had a boyfriend before senior year. I don't know how, but they find me. I once went to the park wearing bug spray and TWO of those mosquito preventing fans that you clip on your clothes and STILL came back with upwards of 40 bites. Like, insects are willing to die just to get a piece of this. That's pretty impressive, you know?

SIEBEN: Sarcasm. I actually have a t-shirt that says, "Sarcasm: just one of my many talents." I got it from a rotund Romanian woman. She literally gave me the shirt off her back.

ACHT: Kissing. 'Nough said.

NEUN: Accents. I had to do so many accents for all the plays I did in middle and high school. Not only can I do British, I can do every part of Britain. The one accent I can't do? Southern. And I've lived here my whole life. That makes sense.

ZEHN: German. I'm stupid good at German. I mean, my accent and pronunciation are pretty good, but I'm a grammar beast. Like, I'm that asshole that got 100s on all my tests. There is a surprising amount of people that struggle with languages. I guess I would probably struggle with French, cause I hate it. And Czech, because it's CRAY. Seriously, I spent three days there and could not even get "Thank you" down. I think I knew "Cheers"....

Right, well, that's it then. If you read my blog you should toooootally check out Matt and I's youtube channel. It's not that funny, but we do sing for you!! Subscribe and stuff. And we will continue to sing to you. Every week. It'll happen. Except when I'm home for two weeks. Ok...bye.

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