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Saturday, July 13, 2013

I hate cops

So in case you guys didn't know, I have this weird fear of police officers. I mean, I know they're meant to help you and keep you safe and all that jazz, but I can't help it; I get super nervous around them.

My aversion to cops has gotten worse as of late. There is a girl in my class this Summer who is a copper and who felt it was appropriate to come to class in uniform with a loaded gun. Pretty sure that's illegal, ma'am, when you're on a school campus. If you're in school, you're not on duty, and when you're not on duty, why don't you leave that shit in the car?

Anyway, remember my post a while ago about the obnoxious girl in my Abnormal class that my friends and I dubbed "Poop?" Well, this cop girl in my class now is Poop the 4th, AKA Queen Poop, because even if you can't believe it's possible, she's worse. And yes, there were two more Poops in between.

Let me tell you about a few things this chick has said.

Firstly, an incident which I did not actually witness, but which my psychology friend informed me of. I don't know the reasoning behind why they were talking about this in class, but apparently Queen Supreme said something to the likes of, "I don't like my two year old being around my brother, because he's gay and I don't want him to be a bad influence."

Oh right, yes, because A) Gay people are MONSTERS (look out for Gayzilla, in theaters this Fall) and B) Homosexuality is contagious.

Can you imagine how hurtful that would be if you were that brother?? And your sister says you're not allowed to be around your nephew because you like the company of men. Why? Is this something you're discussing with the kid? Like, "Hey buddy, have you ever thought about where you'd like to put your penis once you hit puberty? Because I can give you a few tips."

No. No one says that. Gay or straight. Or Bi. Or whatever. I'm sure the guy would just play trains with the kid or whatever.

Secondly, an incident which occurred only a few days ago in my class. We were talking about portable eye tracking devices, which are actually pretty cool. And our teacher asked us if there were any practical uses for these devices. And some girl jokingly says, "Well you could put it on a pedophile and track his eye movements and if he stares at a kid too long, you could give him a shock."

And we all laughed, because it was kind of funny. And then the shit Queen chimes in with, "Oh well it wouldn't matter. Trust me, those people can't be rehabilitated."

And there was this silence. And me and my two friends in that class looked at each other. And I just went, "Ohhh. OK." And sat there shaking my head.

(Side note: If you are not aware, I am doing research with those friends at a juvenile prison this Summer and part of the population we work with is sex offenders who are either about to receive or are about to leave treatment.)

The professor I'm doing research under was actually hired by the state to begin putting treatment programs in prisons in Alabama, after a new state law decreed that sex offenders be required to receive treatment. So there's just now starting to be a change in the system, and it's so so cool to be on the cutting edge of that. Back to Poop.

Ok, chick, listen. If you're a cop, you should know, first of all, that maybe "those people" haven't experienced successful rehabilitation because there ISN'T any treatment program in most prisons. And as someone in law enforcement, maybe the implantation of treatment plans should be of interest to you.

But no, Poop, "those people" won't get better if they're not getting treated in the first place.

Also, as a psychology major, shouldn't you be interested in learning about this instead of writing it off as something that's permanent and can't be changed? You might want to reevaluate your choice of major.

How did she get into law enforcement? The requirements must be loose for her to have gotten through. I'm hoping that she is a rarity in the line of police work, because I would think knowledge of the prison system would be important to, you know, know.

Ok, ok, rant over. This might not have been the funniest thing, but it's something that is very important to me. A person is a person. A pedophile is still a human being, and is likely suffering from mental illness. I look forward to being able to help "those people" in my career. I want to work in a prison and with other counselors to rehabilitate "those people," because yes, it is possible. In fact, in the prison where I work now, the re-arrest rate has gone down by far more than 50% after the treatment program was implemented. Oh yes, I talk to sex offenders, and I get their stories, and then they go talk to therapists who help them get better. And THAT, miss Poop cop, is what a psychology major should care about.

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