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Saturday, May 3, 2014

On Becoming a Cave Man

Boyfriend and I have made a huge step! We have decided to, for 30 days beginning Monday, follow a Paleo diet and train for a 5K.

Why are we doing something so drastic??

It is because we have both gained lots of weight and because we have been eating super shittily and therefore feel terrible. I've gained about 60 pounds over the past year and a half, and I'm not actually sure how much boyfriend has gained, but the point is that we both have a body fat percentage that is way too high.

I usually sit at about a size 8 when I'm at my healthiest and my fat percentage is normal, and right now I'm a size 12-14. Not cool. Also my boobs went up...three sizes? Four? Two band sizes and two–three cup sizes—whatever that equates to. I don't have money to buy a whole new wardrobe, so I've been living off of three pairs of pants that I bought, a few dresses, and two bras. I cannot keep up this high frequency of doing laundry.

I may not lose all 60 pounds, but that's okay because I mostly want to get my body fat percentage back to normal so I don't inherit all the terrible diseases that run in my family (thanks mom and dad!). As long as I'm sitting at a good fat:muscle ratio, I don't particularly care about the number on the scale. Hopefully my old pants will still fit though, because as I mentioned I ain't got monies for clothes, but we'll see when we get there.

So, after the thirty days are up, I will be about halfway to being able to run (jog, probably, slowly) a 5K, and I hope my energy levels will increase and I will feel better overall once I cut out all the processed crap that America has decided will be the bulk of its food sales.

We're going to start adding back in dairy and grains at that point, mostly because a life without cheese is no life at all. But we still want to make sure we keep the preservatives and random ingredients to a minimum.

Huge thanks to Matt and I's lovely friends from choir for helping me out with choosing how I will eat for these initial 30 days, and thanks to Matt as well for being willing to be my partner in crime! It's always easier with someone else to support you.

Anyone have recipe suggestions? I'm mostly struggling with what to eat for lunch. I think I have my grocery list all set to go shopping tomorrow, but I will definitely need some help in the coming would be much appreciated!

And to anyone who wants to return to the cave man days with us, let's do it!

I'll miss you, cheese. Until we meet again on June 4th. I'm not counting the days or anything.

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