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Thursday, July 5, 2012

God bless America, etc.

So! It's been a few days!

By the way, in case you didn't notice, I've kind of stopped with the travel blog titles and dates. I couldn't keep track of them and I kept putting the wrong ones and having to repost and it irked me. No more!!

I've been feeling better thus far. My anxiety has been manageable, and it hasn't been too too hot at night lately!

Today though....Jesus Christ. I didn't have like heat stroke or heat exhaustion or anything, but I was feeling super nauseated and unbelievably hot and just...not OK. And my skin was like a boiler. I put a cold towel on it and it was hot in seconds. And I was was just so goddamn hot. MISERY.

I tell you what, if the only good thing that comes of this trip is that I appreciate air conditioning, so be it. Because I really really do. At the Belvedere the other day, the air conditioning was super cold and I had goose pimples, but I have never been happier to have goose pimples in my LIFE. I was ecstatic.

So I don't know what to tell you guys, cause I have a lot of explanations on all my pictures (new ones coming soon, I promise! Probably after we get back from Prague) and I don't want to be redundant. So I have two things to share with you. Firstly, a poem-type thing I randomly wrote on my way to the institute the other day. Second, re-written words to God Bless America, in honor of the fourth of July!

Le poem:

In the city here
The putrid stench of shit
Invades your nostrils
Horse piss
Wraps you in its stinging stink
And the worst animal
The human
The unforgiving odor
Of a day spent in heat
Of a day spent too close to others
Of a stubborn refusal
To wear deodorant
It's inescapable
These smells of the city

And yet, there is beauty here
In the architecture of days long past
The saturation of paint
Still coated on 
After thousands of years of wear
You can feel the history, smell it
Sweeter than the stench
Of a city better left in a different time

The sound of a train
That whips up a wind
Blows through the tendrils of your hair
Blessedly cooling
As it enters the tunnel
The voice of a beggar
Please, just 50 cents
You walk on
You can't spare even something
So insignificant
The thrum of hammers, drills
The incessant clink
Of metal on metal

You can feel the heat
Right into your heart
It plunges beneath your skin
Reflected from the pavement
It burns you to the core
It should sit on your skin
But all of these city things
The smells
The sights
The sounds
They worm their way inside you
And live
Even as you sweat
Even as a rare breeze
Sweeps in through your pores
They linger

They are a part of you now
And even as you scrub the day away
Even as you lie in bed
They return
And stay with you in your dreams
Until another tomorrow comes
And they grow stronger
Alive in you

God Bless America:

God bless America
Land that I love
Unlike Europe
You have syrup
Give a shout for waffle house
Hey, it's good!

Ice with water
Air conditioning
Toilets that don't smell
And are FREEEE

God bless America
The land for me
God bless America
Where I can peeeeeee

Ok well I hope you enjoyed that....have a lovely day. I'ma be off to Prague in the morning. At 7:48 in the morning. Hooray. BUT the train is air conditioned. Worth it : )


1 comment:

  1. Omg ... I'm still laughing at the song, tears even! The poem is beautiful! Love Prague ;-) I love you
