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Saturday, December 5, 2015

1st year vs. 2nd year Grad Students

Currently, I'm halfway through my second year of graduate school, which means I am 3/4 finished, which means I have one semester left until graduation.

I'm a little excited.

I've been reflecting on my time in graduate school and how much I've changed in such a short amount of time. To demonstrate this change, I've come up with several situations and the differences in how a first-year grad student would react vs. how a second-year student would react. Enjoy.

1st year: How on earth am I supposed to fill 30 minutes?

2nd year: How on earth am I supposed to fit all of this information in 30 minutes?

Group Papers
1st year: Ugh, how annoying, I would rather just write it myself.

2nd year: Oh thank god, I only have to write a third of this.

Grad school in general
1st year: I’m so happy to be in grad school!

2nd year: WHEN DOES IT END.

1st year: I should probably look professional even when I’m in class, you know, just in case.

2nd year: Do you think they’ll be able to tell these are my pajamas? How important is it to wear a bra? How long has it been since I washed my hair?

1st year: I should pack my lunch. It’s healthier and cheaper.

2nd year: A coffee and a cake pop is an acceptable meal, right?

1st year: Foundation practicum was pretty fun. I learned a lot. 

2nd year: OH GOD. This could be my future job. Must act professionally. Don't fuck up. You could work here in six months. Keep it together. I am so hireable. LOOK AT HOW MUCH YOU WANT TO HIRE ME. PAY ME MONEY. 

1st year: Okay I need time to eat, get dressed, make myself look presentable...I’ll just set an alarm for an hour before I have to leave.

2nd year: *snooze* *snooze* *snooze* Shit.

1st year: Everyone could be a potential connection! Go to all of the events! Meet all of the people! Form many bonds!

2nd year: Oh, I'm so sorry, I can't go to that event. I'm super busy. *Puts on sweatpants* *Pours glass of wine* *Watches Netflix*

1 comment:

  1. This pretty much sums it up!! Love the alarm one...that's your brother's entire life :-/
