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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Weirdest obsession ever

I have a collection of sorts. I don't know when it began. Or why, really. But here's the thing: I love cows. I love them so much. I love their little pink noses and their spots and their largeness. I want to hug them and feed them and....I don't know....ride them or whatever else people do with cows. Milk them I suppose.

The first item in the collection was my cow ice cream scooper. It has udders on the bottom. HOW FREAKING CUTE IS THAT?? It's also ironic because ice cream comes from cows.

I think the next thing was my cow mug. This does not have udders. Cows usually have four udders, by the way, in case you were wondering. This mug does, however, have little hooves. Adorable.

Then came the cookie jar. Perhaps it is a spice jar, because it is quite small. Or maybe it is a jar for runt cookies. You know, the ones you get when you get down to the last of the cookie dough and it's not quite enough for a cookie but you put it on there anyways because, dammit, you want warm cookies fresh from the oven and it doesn't matter how small they are!!! Anyway, the jar has udders.

Then for Christmas, my loving mother bought me a cow piggy bank. (Cow bank?) It sings a farm song when you push its hoof. I can't even handle it. 
Seriously, though, the song plays for about two minutes.

The latest addition to my collection I bought a few days ago when roommate and I went shopping in Auburn's pathetic excuse for a mall. I was helping her look for an ear cuff when I happened upon them: some godsend gem of a human being created COW EARRINGS. I said to myself, "Kelly, you don't need any more-" but I did not finish that thought because the rest of my brain was screaming, "COWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWS!!!!!!!! Buy them and put them in your ear holes! DO IT!"

So I did.  

Here is a picture of my cow collection for your enjoyment pleasure (click to enlarge):

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