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Thursday, September 6, 2012

The detour: OOTD Log #6

So...this actually happened yesterday. But I was so fried by the end of all of this that I couldn't even begin to blog about it. 

Yesterday, I took a little trip to visit my lovely lady (lumps) doctor in B-ham. (I notice a disturbing trend here...the last time I went to see the lady doctor in B-ham I had OOTD about it here.) So that is the first problem here. Such doctor visits are never fun, and are always uncomfortable. 

But really, this is about what happened afterward.

Here is something you need to know about 280: When you're going TO B-ham, it runs right into the expressway that takes you downtown. But when you're coming BACK, you have to merge off of said expressway back onto 280, or else the expressway dead-ends into The Road To Nowhere. 

How do I know this?

Because instead of getting on 280, I took TRTN and ended up 50 miles off course from where I should have been and ended up in a gas station parking lot by the Shelby County airport near I-65, crying to boyfriend on the phone because I was so lost.

Let me give you a visual. 

So I ended up having to drive in this giant L shape through Montgomery to get back to Auburn, taking me an extra hour and a half. See my route here:
CURSE YOU, LACK OF DIRECTIONAL SKILLS (and, in my defense, poor designing and small and insignificant road signage)!! You've foiled me once again.

AND THEN I couldn't get on the damn highway because the entrance was so freaking complicated, and I had to turn around three times before I finally got it. So I was riding around the I-65 ramp—like when you drop something valuable in the sink and it keeps teasing you by almost but NOT QUITE going down the drain—blasting Marilyn Manson, crying tears of frustration and singing/screaming along in anger.

What. Is. My. Life. 


  1. Wow... And this is where I take a moment of silence to thank my parents for buying me a GPS.

  2. haha :P I have one! I figured I wouldn't need it cause it's one road there and back...and when I tried to use it to get home from where I was, it wanted me to take the back roads. TomTom was a failure.
