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Thursday, September 5, 2013

I'm a regular Bill Shakespeare.

My immune system has decided to remind me again of how much it TOTALLY SUCKS. Like I forgot or something. I didn't, immune system. I could never forget about you. 

The little throat scratchies started two nights ago, and then yesterday (the day boyfriend and I were going to see Muse, of course) I woke up to my throat trying to burn me alive. I survived by eating copious amounts of ice cream for breakfast; don't worry.

And it got even worse today. I didn't think that was possible, but damn, immune system, you gotta show yourself up every time, huh? So now I can't breathe. Or swallow. Or hear. It's awesome. 

I went to the doctor because no way in hell was I walking across all of campus to go sit in class and disturb/gross out everyone with my constant nose blowing. And I got medicine and all that good stuff.

So, the point: I was super sad about missing my creative writing class, because it's AMAZEBEANS and I wrote what I thought was a really good dialogue for class today and I didn't even get to share it :( but my teacher emailed me our assignments, and Huzzah!! We're writing a sonnet for next class. I have a special affinity for sonnets. So I'll share two: the one I wrote for my current creative writing class that's due Tuesday, and one I wrote in high school just because I felt like it. 

No Class Today

My nose is red and raw from being blown.
I’ve blown and sniffed and hacked to no avail.
This mucus wants to make itself well-known,
And who am I to try and make him fail?
I’ve only one request of you, Herr Phlegm:
Don’t stay too long; I’ve got to go to class,
And when my throat’s on fire from your swim,
It’s hard to make myself get off my ass.
But, Lo! What here? I’ve found a Mucinex!
I’ll wash it down with chicken soup and tea.
It seems this battle’s come to its apex.
You’re no match for this medication, see?
So go on, leave me now for someone else.
You’ve 19,000 noses left. Mach schnell! 


Your face, it fills my soul with much disgust.
It oozes from the porous realms inside.
It fills my soul and coats my lungs with rust
Each time I accident'ly catch your eye.
Why must you torture me so with your voice?
Why not just stick a knife between my ribs?
My ears have never heard such horrid noise,
Aside, of course, from your incessant fibs.
So please, for my own sake, leave me alone.
For goodness' sake, I don't want to be friends.
Nope, douche cake's not a cake that I condone,
So take your cake, douche, we can't make amends.
Don't kid yourself. You know you're just a play'r. 
You'll die alone one day without a pray'r.