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Sunday, October 28, 2012


So...I went home this weekend.

And it was excellent. I miss my fams and my pets while I'm at school.

But while I was there, I found out something that seriously pissed me the hell off.

Background: In the latter part high school, I hung out in a group of three: me and my two best friends. I was super close with them. They were hardcore Christians, but they still accepted me and didn't judge me, which was awesome. And I didn't judge them, obviously, because I was friends with them.

But one day the summer before college, I brought over some tarot cards I'd received as a gift. I thought they were kinda cool, so I pulled them out to show them. And they freaked the hell out and didn't talk to me the rest of the night. So I got up super early and left.

It was awful, because they were my BFFs and it sucked that they judged me like that. It would have been cool if it was just like, "That's really cool that you found something that you might like, but we're not into that. Let's do something else." But no. Suckage.

So that was the end of a friendship.

This weekend, I found out that yet ANOTHER person I knew in high school had a baby. She is also one of their very best friends and goes to their church.

And do you know what?? They were so damn happy for her. There was no judgment at all. So I guess it's OK if you sin by having sex before marriage AND a baby, but to look at tarot cards? That's seriously fucked up.

It's not like tarot cards are even like satanic or anything terrible. They're just for fun, or at least they were for me, and I made that clear.

That just pissed me off. Why are people so happy for all the young people that are having babies based on an accidental pregnancy? It should be embarrassing. It IS embarrassing. Gone With the Wind got it right. You should probably try your hardest to hide that shit instead of celebrating a mistake that is so easily prevented.

Rant over.


  1. I understand where you are coming from regarding the whole judgmental part of things, but my mom had me on "accident". And while she may have been embarrassed at first, she realized that this little baby in her womb (me) was a wonderful gift. One that was unplanned. One that she had to make sacrifices for. But a gift nonetheless. People make mistakes. Your friends made a mistake by judging you with your tarot cards. People make mistakes that end up in a pregnancy. But who are we to judge their mistakes? Just food for thought.

  2. Yeah no hate. I'm not saying to like shun yourself from the world forever. Obviously if you have a kid you should love it to death. I wasn't trying to judge them, cause I know how much that sucks, I just thought they were being super hypocritical and it was frustrating.

    1. Yeah! I agree with you on that one. Definitely!
