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Sunday, December 2, 2012

Finals and Jesus

Remember when I used to post every day?

I know. I suck. I just stopped thinking of funny shit to post.

I try, I do! Sometimes I write an entire blog and then it's not even that funny and so I delete it. Sometimes I do post it, and then I feel bad about myself because it's not up to par. And both of those are losing situations, so I got into the habit of just not writing unless I have a good idea.

A lot of bloggers do that. They say they'll only post if they have something good to say so that they can always have good material.

I have decided I disagree. Most of the time for me when I'm writing, whether it be funny or not, I have to get through a time of shit writing to get back to the good stuff. And I just have to keep writing regardless.

So today I am just going to share some funny tidbits.

Tidbit #1: I have a final tomorrow at 8 a.m. And I've been studying for it for a couple of days. I went to a friend's house all day yesterday, and even though the majority of our time was actually not spent studying, due to the SEC championship and videos of puppies and Elf, I did make some good progress. I just brought over my binder for abnormal psychology and made color-coded charts and things.

So tonight, I got an email from my cognitive psychology professor. And he said, "Grades will be posted tonight for the semester. Good luck on your final tomorrow!"

And my heart went, "Beat. Beat. Beat, beat, beatbeatbeatbebebebebebefuck," and my stomach went, "I'm going to fall to where your colon should be," and my voice said, "Oh no. Oh no no no no no."

I studied for the wrong final. I STUDIED FOR THE WRONG FINAL. So then I had a mild mental breakdown and simultaneously shed a tear of sadness and laughed at my own stupidity.

I am not prepared.

Tidbit #2: Do you have a twitter? If so, you need to follow these people:

Jesus on twitter

This girl

Seriously. I about peed my pants laughing when my friends found these two Internet gems. We may have spent upwards of 20 minutes looking at their pages.

Ok. Well that's all for now.

Hope you're better prepared for your finals than I am. And if you're not, I hope you're studying for them and not writing a blog like I am.

Good day.

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