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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Politically Incorrect

Yesterday, my lovely and wonderful red-haired roomie shared with me this blog post: CLICK ME! and suggested I might have fun writing a response to it on this here blog.

Said red-head and I have similar views on most things political and social, and this was no exception. We both thought it was absolutely ridiculous.

If you don't feel like reading it (although it is rather short, if you want to have a go), it basically discusses modesty and why it's a virtue. As is typical in the south, the subject gets tied in with the bible and religion. The author states that dressing modestly shows what type of person you are, and further states that dressing immodestly as a woman is a temptation to men.

As you may remember, I did touch on this subject a while back, saying (in essence) that I didn't understand why girls got mad if boys hit on them/stared at them when they're wearing revealing clothing, and that I wear revealing clothes because hey, I like boobies, and everyone should appreciate them. So this is sort of an expansion on that I guess.

Here are my first reactions to the post:

1) This is one of those things that just gives Christians a terrible reputation. The post and most of the comments are SUPER judgmental and condescending.

2) Really?

3) .....really???

This is my favorite part: 

"Guys aren’t the only ones who can lose respect for a woman who dresses immodestly. I personally have a really hard time hearing any kind of advice from a woman who dresses for that kind of attention. If you consistently fail to present yourself in a way befitting a lady who professes to worship God (1 Timothy 2:9-10) how can I trust your advice on matters of the heart?"

You can't. If you can see any part of my boobs I am not to be trusted. And if you can see more than half of my thighs, well, then you KNOW you can't take anything I have to say about relationships seriously.

Or maybe I'm just a normal fucking person who felt like wearing a v-neck and shorts. 

I dunno, Timothy, which one is it? 

Of course, I personally think ole Tim here was including more than just way of dress in his definition of self-presentation. 

Another favorite quote: 

"If you are unsure about some of the clothing in your closet, please seek some godly counsel."

Are you serious?? We can't make our own choices about clothing?? We have to go to our damn church and say, "Excuse me reverend, but could I ask your opinion on my pleather skirt?"

No. Just, no. There is no need to ask god about this. Once your parents stopped having to dress you, that's when it became time for you to make your own decisions.  

Ok, now onto boys.

Why is it a big deal to have a lustful thought? Why? Sex is a COMPLETELY NORMAL THING THAT IS COMPLETELY NORMAL TO THINK ABOUT, and if a man were to see a pair of excellent titties, it's NORMAL to think, "Gee, I sure would like to know what those feel/look like." 

And that's offensive?

It's not like they're going to stalk you and follow you home and stare into your windows at night hoping for a peek at those wonderful breasts. It's just a passing thought. He's more than likely not even going to say or do anything about it. So calm the hell down.

I, as a completely straight woman, am an avid admirer of other women. I think we are sexy as hell, and I can appreciate a hot bod as much as any man. Ask any of my friends. I talk about boobs and their awesomeness all the time. Does that make me a shitty person? No. The human body is beautiful and amazing and so incredible, and if you want to make that even more apparent by going extreme wearing a thong and nipple stickers in public, fucking DO IT. 

Or if you're more comfortable in a push up bra and a pair of shorts with a 3-5" inseam, do that.

Or if you want to dress like you are Mother Theresa, rock that frock, baby.

But don't get your granny panties all in a twist if you see a little boobage, OK? 

I am the first one to say that the way you dress is of the utmost importance because it makes a first impression, and there are obvious times when you definitely should dress modestly. It's just that wearing a low-cut top once in a while doesn't make me a shitty friend or someone not to be trusted.

It just does not.  

And I'm not going to bother myself with getting someone else to OK my clothing choices. 

That is all. Rant over. Enjoy your night. <3

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