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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I studied abroad!

Oh hey.

So I'm back home in good ole Knoxvegas, TN. And although I started writing this post while I was in the Vienna airport (because strangely, even though like nowhere in Europe has free wifi, the airport did), I wasn't quite finished. So here are some of the lovely insights about myself and people/things and general that I have discovered while abroad.

About me:

1. I can study abroad. I did it! I worked through my anxiety, which as you all know was horrifically terrible the first week, and it ended up being amazing. I am so freaking proud of myself I can't even tell you.

2. Although I suck with directions in terms of orienting myself and actual NESW directions, I can figure out public transportation like nobody's business. Even in a country where I didn't speak the language (Hungary). Also very proud of myself for that, because seriously, I am directionally challenged. It's sad.

3. I'm going to be able to deal with my anxiety for the rest of my life, because if I can get through studying abroad, sans my safety blanket of family and boyfriend, I can do anything. New city? Whatever. Trying to enter the work world? It's whatever. I have confidence in me! (Julie Andrews, goddess...inspired by our Sound of Music tour in Salzburg)

About other things:

1. Air conditioning is the most beautiful thing in the world. Say it with me: Thank you, America, for your choice to keep your population cool even when it is 98 degrees outside. And yes, it is a choice, because AC is readily available and not so difficult to install.

2. You can find friends anywhere you go. The only person I was friends with before coming on this trip was Jennie. And now I have a bunch of new friends that I suppose I can pencil in to my busy schedule. Kidding. But for reals, I met some pretty bitchin' people on this trip. And I love them all and I was very sad to leave them and now we must hang out when we get back to Auburn.

3. Drinking in excess: I don't get it. I never have and I don't think I ever will. I'm gonna say that probably half the group was interested in spending a good portion of their time going out and getting shwasted. I find this ridiculous for a few reasons:

  • If your parents spend upwards of $4,000 (plus airfare and any side trips) to send you to Europe for a study abroad program, I would think that you would want to spend more time on said program.
  • Why would you choose to study abroad if you're just going to drink your time away? You could just as easily take a European vacation, and it would probably be less expensive and not affect your GPA.
  • It costs a lot of money. I heard so many people complaining, like, "Oh god, I can't believe how much money I spent last night." It could just be spent better.
  • CALORIES. Also heard a bunch of folks being all upset about how much weight they'd gained. I mean, yeah, the food is great, but we were walking around a ton. For a comparison, I definitely ate just as much as everyone else, and I tried my share of beers (but not, you know, six liters at a time. More like...half a liter), and I have in fact lost weight.
  • The pride. People go around and talk about their drinking escapades like they're so proud of what they've done. Examples of some of the escapades people in our group experienced: "I spent more than a hundred Euros last night" "I puked on a table and tried to wipe it off but the waiter saw so I got kicked out" "I peed inside a building somewhere" "I peed on the street" "I passed out at the bar" Just, why? Why is that so funny and fun to recount? It's dangerous, and it's hurting your body, and it's disgusting. I love me some beer, and wine, and GOD I love mojitos, but I have one. And I'm not in debt and I'm not 10 pounds heavier.
4. Smoking. I've been to Europe twice before, and I remembered there is just cigarette smoke everywhere, but being there for five weeks it was really bad. Cigarette smoke really irritates my throat and nose, and the more I thought about smoking, the angrier I got. Because here's the thing: if you want to kill yourself, whatever. But when you smoke a cigarette, you're hurting everyone around you. There are so many studies that state how dangerous second-hand smoke is, and I don't understand how something that harms others around you can be legal. My lungs are probably worse for the wear after these past weeks, and I had no choice in the matter. That doesn't seem fair. Smoking should be illegal in public, period, even outside, because most times you just can't avoid it. If you want to smoke, you can do it in your own home. Or in those enclosed smoking lounges they have in Europe...maybe they should make that a thing in the U.S. I also don't understand why people smoke in general. You know how bad it is for you, it smells awful, it makes you smell and taste awful, and it doesn't make you look cool. If you need to calm down, drink some tea or if it's really bad (I understand, trust me) get a prescription, yo. 

So yeah! That's my reflection-ish thing about my trip : )

Oh, also, I didn't tell you about my last weekend. We went to Salzburg and did all of the things. But the best thing was the zoo. Apparently they just like don't believe in cages because most of the fences were knee-high and animals were just kind of jumping around all over the place. Which was seriously awesome. 

But the best part was that we got to see a brown bear like WAY up close. Not through glass, like in my zoo, but over another tiny fence (although there was a small lake in between the bears and the fence), and he went for a swim and it was ADORABLE. 


He was so freaking cute. He was my friend. My mom said he kept looking at me because he wanted to eat me for dinner, but I know better. My bear buddy!!

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