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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Me being dumb

Exhibit A:
Recently my roommate graciously informed me that Mardis Gras is not, in fact, Spanish. I think I somehow knew, deep inside, that it was French. I probably blocked that information out, though, because I have a deep-rooted hatred for French. So many unnecessary letters.

Exhibit B:
In the Fall Out Boy song entitled, "Bang the Doldrums," I thought the lyrics were, "The yellow chicken calls," instead of "The yellow checkered cars." I mean, FOB is a little I thought that it was entirely plausible for those to be the lyrics. It's OK to write songs about farm animals. Duh, Old MacDonald had a farm full of them and everyone knows that dang song. 

Exhibit C:
Sorry to bring up the evil that is Lucky Charms again, but it must be done for the sake of evidence. I was supremely excited to see that my Lucky Charms contained hearts as I was eating them for Valentine's Day breakfast. I thought that they had a V-Day special, kinda like they have Boo Berry for Halloween. Alas, though, when I informed my roommate of my excitement, she simply stared at me before singing the Lucky Charms theme song: "HEARTS stars and horseshoes...."

I have a very tolerant roommate. And for this I am grateful.

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