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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Thinking the worst

I have a cognition disfunction.

My brain has wildly outrageous thoughts about how or why something is happening, even if that something is completely normal, or at the very least something to not think wild and outrageous thoughts about.

Now, some people would call this "being melodramatic" or "overreacting." But I can't help the way I think! I recognize how utterly ridiculous the things I think are, but can't seem to do anything about it.

Let me give you some examples.

What happened: I was in the shower and I heard a thump in my room.
What I thought: My suitemate is going to the hospital.
How I arrived at this conclusion: My first thought was, "Well something probably just dropped." But then I thought, "What if something fell?" Then I thought, "What if a PERSON fell??" Which then turned into, "What if my suitemate just got back from a party and she's super drunk and came into the room and passed out and fell over having a heart attack?? And now they're calling an ambulance and they're going to have to go to the hospital and I CAN'T GO WITH THEM BECAUSE I AM NAKED!!!"
What actually happened: My roommate's water bottle fell off of her dresser.

What happened: There was hair on our shower wall.
What I thought: A creepy stranger snuck into our room and put it there.
How I arrived at this conclusion: Earlier that day, my roommate and I came back and found bags of candy sitting on our beds. We did not know how they got there. When I was showering and saw the hair, my first thought was, "This is probably my suitemate's hair." And then, "But what if it's NOT?" And finally, "What if the same person who put those candy bags on our beds played a weird trick on us by GOING INTO OUR BATHROOM AND PLACING HAIR ON THE SHOWER WALL?!"
What actually happened: Our RA put the bags outside our door, and my suitemate saw them and brought them in and put them on our beds. That was very nice of her. Also, it was her hair in the shower.

After writing this down, I notice two common themes here. One: my first thought is usually logical. This is good. Now I just have to stop my psycho freak brain from spiraling that thought out of control. Two: This psycho freak thinking pattern seems to happen frequently in the shower....

Alas. It seems I value my hygiene more than my sanity.

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