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Thursday, April 5, 2012

DEUTSCH!!! And chickens.

I have a German test tomorrow, so I've been speaking and thinking a lot in German.
I'm sure some troll will be like, "WELL THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY THAT IN GERMAN???"
Ich habe morgens eine deutsche Prüfung. Also spreche und denke ich viel auf Deutsch. 
Happy, troll??

Anyway, so the suitemates and I were discussing other languages and how hard it is to learn to write and speak (informally) in them. One suitemate brought up the example of telling jokes: "I have no idea how to make a joke in French. I would sound like an idiot. No one would think it was funny." 
I then tried to make a "Why did the chicken cross the road?" joke in German, and ended it with, because he was hungry (sticking with simple things here because it's a foreign language...). But instead of "Er hatte Hungar!" I said, "Er war Hungar!" Which makes sense in English, because we say "I was hungry." But in German, you say "I have hunger." So really what I said was that the chicken was hunger.

Which led to this whole ridiculous thing about The Hunger Chicken. And you better watch out, because when you see him coming, you will experience an insatiable hunger! He will follow you around and make your stomach growl until he sees fit to leave, yo. But the good thing is, there's only one Hunger Chicken, so you wouldn't be hungry very often. Cause he has a long way to travel. We live in a big world.

Ok, so clearly nothing interesting is happening in my life, because that was the most ridiculous post ever.

I lied. Something has happened. And what happened is that roommate and I did SIX SETS of 50 high knees, 10 burpees, 10 squats, and 10 abdominals. PLUS a three-minute bonus workout. So there's that. 60 burpees, people. 60. 

But that's not funny. And the chicken thing was. So I wrote more about that. There would be no humor in me expanding the whole workout thing...

But maybe there would be because suitemate watched us do it and laughed the whole time and told us we looked like armadillos when we did burpees. But really I looked more like a wet tomato. Because I was red and very, very sweaty.

And I sweat a lot.

Ich bin so ungeordnet...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So, there was a chicken, and he was hunger? I'm thinking if hunger was a chicken, we could easily scare hunger away.
    "I'm so hungry!"
    "What was that for?"
    "Did I scare your hunger away? I knew it. Hunger is a chicken." :)

    You're so funny, Kelly! I enjoy reading your posts, because they sound JUST LIKE YOU. I mean, not that they should sounds like anyone else, but, you know...

  3. hahahahaha thanks Walker : ) I'm glad I sound like me! I always worry that the humor won't transfer right haha
