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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

OOTD Log 3: The Sickness

I have decided that whenever I have One of Those Days, the events for which my blog is in fact named, that I will call them OOTD Logs. As in, I am logging something. Not as in a piece of a tree. 

Anyway, the past 24 hours of my life have royally sucked. ROYALLY. Only Prince Harry understands the suck that has occurred and is still occurring. Or something.

First things first: I have the sickness. I don't know what this sickness is or how I contracted it, but it is horrible. My throat feels and looks as if someone set it on fire. Everything in my nose is dripping down my throat, which is making me gag, and because of all of the mucus that now resides in my stomach I am consistently nauseated, but I know that if I throw up it's not gonna help cause my nose is just gonna keep on a'drippin'. I took a Sudafed and a Mucinex, but it's not freaking helping any. Simply wonderful. And if I eat anything other than soup my stomach gets upset with me. What, are you only happy with a diet of chicken broth and boogers, stomach? That makes sense.

Second things second: I bought four soups yesterday. Three for myself, and one to pay roommate back because she gave me soup last time I was sick. I made the creamy chicken (MY FAVE SOUP EVER) today. Now, in the soup from the little Campbell's cans, you have to add water to make the soup. And the creamy chicken soup was actually just cream in a can that I added water and milk to. But when I heated it, not all of the creamy went away, and so it was chunky and gross. I did not consume this disgustingness, and instead put it in the fridge in the hopes of finding a whisk at some point to get the chunkies out. So I made my last soup. And now if I don't find a whisk I will have to eat the soup that I bought roommate. This is a vicious circle. 

Third things third: My shower caddy, which is the kind that you attach to the wall via suction cups on the back, fell off for no reason while I was showering. And three razors (my old razor that I still have, my new one, and rooommate's razor that was sitting on the shelf below my caddy) fell on my feet and cut them. And I tried to put the caddy back up but the wall was wet and the suction cups were wet and it kept slipping and I got angry and yelled at it (literally) and decided I would wait and put it back up when I woke up this morning. So I laid it against the back wall of the tub and when I went to pick it up this morning, it was stuck to it. Sure, NOW you stick. And it was on there real good too. It was seriously a struggle to get it off that damn tub. 

My life is just a struggle right now. I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS SHIT, BODY. FINALS ARE COMING UP. SO HEAL YOURSELF. GO. LEUKOCYTES, UNITE AND FIGHT!! (What rhyming skillz I have!) 


  1. Hi Kelly - make shift which : place one fork in your hand, tines pointing UP. Place another fork, with tines facing DOWN, in the same hand touching the tines of the fork facing up (handle to handle-It makes a little oval) - instant whisk. Feel better.

    PS lumps will melt when soup is hot enough then you have to wait for soup to be cool enough - vicious cycle #2.

  2. SO CLEVER! I am actually heating it up's taking forever. I will break out my forks!
