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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Increase your self-esteem

I have decided to share with you some helpful tips that I have come up with to combat self-esteem issues. Now, I know I am a very loud, outgoing, and seemingly confident person, but everybody is self conscious about something on their bodies. Finish this sentence: I don't like my                    . Now read on and learn to love yourself!!

I don't like my weird red bumpy arms
I have this stupid skin thing called Keratosis on my arms. I hate it. It's nasty looking. But there's not really much I can do, aside from use a lotion that smells funny. So I accept it, because unless I want to sand my arms to the point where you can't see the little bumpies (in which case I would most likely be bleeding profusely), I'ma have to live with it.

I don't like my 5-o-clock-shadow armpits.
Seriously, no matter how often I shave, or if I wax or whatever, the skin on my armpits has a 5-o-clock-shadow. I don't know the name for this, so we'll just call it "something-that's-supposed-to-be-on-a-man's-face-is-on-my-pits." "-iosis." As far as I can tell, I can't really do much about this either. I comfort myself in the fact that I would probably look a lot weirder if I didn't have armpits at all. So I'll stick with my shadowy pits. 

I don't like my gigantic hips.
They're huge. It's abnormal. Like, I have the tiniest waist ever and then it's like, BAM!! Hips!! And there's not much I can do about this either. Although there is inevitably some fat there, I mostly just have wide-set hip bones. But, guess what? Due to my wide birthing hips, my kids are just going to fall out. No pain, no gain? I think not. I will gain a child sans pain.

So! Remember that sentence you finished at the beginning? Take some inspiration from my solutions, and tell me your own solutions to accepting the things you're self-conscious about. NO JUDGING ALLOWED! Go on, comment. Do it.

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